Litespeed – TheCubeXGuide From Hosting to Servers Sat, 08 Apr 2023 09:06:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Litespeed – TheCubeXGuide 32 32 litespeed web server vs nginx Sat, 08 Apr 2023 06:52:33 +0000 Read more]]> NGINX and LiteSpeed are two of the most popular web servers in the world, therefore when we discuss them, we should be aware of this. Because of their lightning-fast performance and robust security features, developers all over the world like utilising them.

This post will discuss the key differences between the two web servers and offer suggestions on which one to use.

Describe a web server.

In the simplest terms, a web server is software or hardware developed especially to run the technology needed to handle client requests and provide web pages to these clients. A web server may host one or many websites, depending on the hardware configuration of the server.

A client is any gadget with internet access, whether a laptop, watch, IP camera, desktop computer, or smartphone. Clients frequently use web browsers like Chrome or Firefox to request data from online servers.

Web servers have been there since the inception of the internet, and both the technology they use and the content they supply have helped shape and define the Internet that we use today.

Describe NGINX.

NGINX is among the most well-known open-source web server applications. It aims to deliver stability and excellent performance. Because the architecture is event-driven and non-threaded, completing requests requires less CPU processing. Additionally, NGINX may significantly reduce client wait times. Furthermore, it moves quickly. In benchmark testing, it consistently surpasses the majority of its rivals.

LiteSpeed vs. Nginx

Nginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server. It might be used to host and cache applications and websites on any given server. Many significant companies, including Dropbox and Netflix, use it as its popularity grows.

It has specialised caching (FastCGI) and PHP handling modules and is well known for effectively serving static files. (PHP-FPM).

LiteSpeed: What is it?

LiteSpeed Technologies makes the best high-performance, high-scalability web server, which is known as LiteSpeed Web Server. It can be used to replace the current server without modifying any other software or operating system details. The fact that it may be installed without inflicting any harm is its biggest feature. As a result, a substantial bottleneck in your current web hosting infrastructure may be readily replaced by LiteSpeed Web Server.

LiteSpeed is one of the fastest web servers available online. It can effectively serve tens of thousands of clients at once because to its unique event-driven design. It also processes PHP scripts more quickly than any other web server on the planet.

Characteristics of Nginx

Nginx typically has the following characteristics:

Reverse proxy with IPv6 load balancing and caching
WebSocket support for FastCGI with caching
Static file management, index file management, and auto-indexing TLS/SSL with SNI

Characteristics of LiteSpeed

A few LiteSpeed qualities are as follows:

  • Fully compatible with Apache and.htaccess is HTTP/3
  • bubblewrap assistance
  • QUIC Redis TLS V1.3
  • PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, Java, and other scripting languages that are HTTP/2 HTTP 1.0/1.1 compliant
  • Server APIs: HTTPS proxy, CGI, FCGI, AJPv13, and LiteSpeed SAPI (LSAPI).
  • Unlimited virtual hosting based on names and IPs
  • countless connections at once
  • The Brotli Compression
  • Compression with GZIP
  • support for WebSocket proxying with SPDY/2, 3, and 3.1
  • runs on Solaris, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD.

The main benefit of utilising LiteSpeed in WordPress

The main advantage of WordPress is its caching plugin for LiteSpeed. With this plugin, you have access to a complete toolkit for all of your performance requirements. It does include choices for optimising databases, objects, objects’ minification, ESI (partial) objects, images, and more. In addition, it offers integration, which reduces the time it takes for your WordPress website to load from anywhere.

Sadly, Nginx does not have a plugin that is as effective.

Benefits of NGINX

employs a CPU and memory-saving, event-driven, non-blocking architecture.
It offers numerous options for serving and optimising static material. Static content delivery is thus 2.5 times faster and utilises 50% less RAM than other web servers.
fantastic performance in a multi-processor environment.
A built-in configuration option can stop DDoS attacks.

The benefits of LiteSpeed

When handling several concurrent connections, LiteSpeed consumes the fewest server resources. It operates more fast than rival web servers like Apache thanks to its event-driven architecture. Therefore, it can be a terrific option if speed is important to you.
LiteSpeed also functions with a variety of hosting panels, including CyberPanel

The business edition is fully compatible with all features of the Apache web server, including mod security, mod rewrite, and.htaccess.
Being optimised for PHP speed, it provides static webpages more fast than Apache.

Since it can handle sudden increases in traffic, it is quite practical for websites and e-commerce sites.
Another significant advantage is zero downtime maintenance, which enables you to reboot the server and upgrade the system without interfering with users’ access to your website.

Two of the LiteSpeed’s customizable security settings are bandwidth limiting and per-IP connections.

Negative aspects of Nginx

  • unable to handle dynamic content natively.
  • a smaller selection of modules.
  • Operating systems running under Linux and Unix are supported; limited Windows compatibility is offered.
  • Inadequate log monitoring software simply writes logs to manually navigated files.

Problems with LiteSpeed

The free version has resource limitations. (however, LiteSpeed also have an open-source version which is also as good as the paid version)


Your website’s success depends on how quickly pages load for your visitors and customers. Because of the conclusive evidence that LiteSpeed Web Server surpasses its rivals in terms of performance, CyberPanel makes it available to customers as standard on both our Shared and WordPress Hosting.

If you really want a website that loads in LiteSpeed, take a look at our web hosting packages!
